1. No Escape

    2024-07-20 13:39:03 UTC
    If you are anywhere on the East Coast, actually almost anywhere in the continental USA, you are probably experiencing some intense hot weather this July. In an effort to escape the high 90s and equivalent humidity in the metro D.C. area we hopped a 52 minute Jet Blue flight to…

  2. Treasure or Trash

    2024-05-31 01:03:32 UTC
    Barrett Monotype If you are familiar with the adage, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” you’ll understand the appeal of yard sales and their upscale brethren Estate Sales, consignment stores, and places like Goodwill and ReStore.  In a modest version of dumpster diving, there is also opportunity in…


    2024-05-18 11:49:23 UTC
    Something in the universe keeps drawing me back to my early days in photography; film days, the days of no autofocus or automatic exposure. My path in photography started as a teenager processing and printing my own black and white photographs in my aunt’s basement. I can easily recall my…

  4. Where there’s smoke there’s Q

    2024-03-04 15:07:23 UTC
    For full screen display, click on the individual photograph I spend my winter in Florida. I do not lay out on the beach, play golf or have a desire to fracture my bones playing pickleball, I am always looking for something to do, especially if there are photographs involved. A…

  5. Ybor City

    2024-03-01 12:43:12 UTC
    My first visit to Tampa was only two days, and considering that I usually like to spend up to two months on trips,  it was more of a drive by. I heard about Ybor City so I took the trolly, which is free by the way, from downtown Tampa to…

  6. Elevated

    2024-02-25 13:49:51 UTC
    For largest display, click on the individual photo Back in the last century taking a dramatic photograph from a building’s rooftop wasn’t a problem. It took a courteous conversation with the property management, assurance that I had liability coverage and a good reason why that particular venue was important for…

  7. Cure for a cloudy day

    2024-02-19 13:53:14 UTC
    People move to Florida for two reasons, tax breaks and the weather. Assuming the first reason is issue free, the weather down here in Florida can be stunning with blue skies and moderate humidity, hot and humid, rainy and humid, and my favorite for killing any desire to go outdoors,…

  8. Seriously, more cars?

    2024-02-12 13:24:05 UTC
    For largest display, click on the individual photograph If you are a regular follower of this blog you know I have a thing for sheet metal with wheels attached. I go to car museums, car shows and anywhere else I can find that special set of wheels. McKee Botanical Gardens…

  9. Bicycles

    2024-01-11 20:23:31 UTC
    You might remember I surveyed readers about ideas for the blog. Someone suggested themes. So I scanned my photos for something that recurs often enough to be considered a theme. Here is my first offering, bicycles Click on individual photo for largest display Bicycles as a subject have always fascinated…

  10. Bimmers!! BMW Welt & Museum

    2023-12-01 13:23:20 UTC
    For largest display, click on the individual photograph BMW model badges When I found out that our path back to the US was through Munich,  I was interested, no make that excited, at the prospect of visiting BMW Welt and Museum, two architectural marvels across the road from each other…

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