Ybor City
March 1, 2024
My first visit to Tampa was only two days, and considering that I usually like to spend up to two months on trips, it was more of a drive by. I heard about Ybor City so I took the trolly, which is free by the way, from downtown Tampa to…
February 25, 2024
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Back in the last century taking a dramatic photograph from a building’s rooftop wasn’t a problem. It took a courteous conversation with the property management, assurance that I had liability coverage and a good reason why that particular venue was important for…
Cure for a cloudy day
February 19, 2024
People move to Florida for two reasons, tax breaks and the weather. Assuming the first reason is issue free, the weather down here in Florida can be stunning with blue skies and moderate humidity, hot and humid, rainy and humid, and my favorite for killing any desire to go outdoors,…
Seriously, more cars?
February 12, 2024
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If you are a regular follower of this blog you know I have a thing for sheet metal with wheels attached. I go to car museums, car shows and anywhere else I can find that special set of wheels. McKee Botanical Gardens…
January 11, 2024
You might remember I surveyed readers about ideas for the blog. Someone suggested themes. So I scanned my photos for something that recurs often enough to be considered a theme. Here is my first offering, bicycles
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Bicycles as a subject have always fascinated…
Bimmers!! BMW Welt & Museum
December 1, 2023
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BMW model badges
When I found out that our path back to the US was through Munich, I was interested, no make that excited, at the prospect of visiting BMW Welt and Museum, two architectural marvels across the road from each other…
Magnificent Munich
November 26, 2023
As there were no non-stop flights from Marseille back to Washington D.C., we decided to break up our return with a two day stopover in Munich, our connection city. The last time I was in Munich was in the 1970s and I can recall but two things about it, my…
Cassis, Provence
November 20, 2023
We had an agenda-free day on the tour so four of us hired a taxi and headed to Cassis, a coastal town along the French Riviera famous for its cliffs, the sheltered inlets called calanques and lots of boats. For me it was an opportunity to roam around and capture…
Vibrant, Vivacious Marseille
November 13, 2023
I think this is the third organized tour I have joined. One in 2006 was a photo tour to Scotland, it rained every day, I believe we had two hours of sunshine over 12 days. The second was a photo tour in Iceland. Traveling with another photographer is always a…
The Caumont Centre D’Art
November 8, 2023
Street entrance
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It’s a garden, it’s a museum, it’s a fine restaurant. It is the Hotel de Caumont, a beautiful former private mansion in the Mazarin quarter of Aix en Provence. The Caumont has a long convoluted history as you would expect…