1. Surprising Salida

    2021-08-14 14:51:32 UTC
    It was time to take advantage of my extended stay here in Boulder, time to hit the road. I’d heard wonderful things about Telluride, but I was not up for a seven hour drive in one shot, so I decided to break the trip up. I looked at a map,…

  2. Small Town, Smaller Town

    2021-08-05 02:50:54 UTC
    By Rocky Mountain standards, Boulder is considered a real city with a population of over 106,000. Nederland, has a population of 1700. Still, it offers up good restaurants. I had a great breakfast at Ned’s and a fantastic Reuban at the Deli. There are all the shops you’d expect and…

  3. Serendipity

    2021-07-28 00:05:16 UTC
    One of the things I enjoy rambling about without an agenda is the nice little serendipitous surprises I experience. My friend Bob is visiting me here in Colorado and is not averse to joining me at 6:00 in the morning as I hunt for photographs. Today was particularly fruitful The…

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